
Titilaka Comments

Cheryl Perleberg, Travel Specialists Inc .29/08/09

"Luxurious accommodations in a pristine setting. One night was far too short – but it was one of the best days of my life. I had asked Julio about the other optional excursions – the program sounds perfectly tailored. I spoke with several other guests on property, everyone loved their stay at Titilaka. It’s a true ‘find’ and will be easy to recommend. Food, service, location, education and amenities – you truly have it all. Thank you for this incredibly unique opportunity. "

Cassetta: Canadian. 23/07/09
“We had an excellent stay! Thank you all!”

Lili Kisteleki : Hungarian 28/02/09.
“Nothing to change, it’s just perfection.”

Joaquin de la Piedra: Peruano 02/07/09
“Quiero agradecer a cada uno de ustedes, de corazón. Estoy en deuda infinita.”

Jillian K. Terhune. U.S.A. 06/27/09.
“Everything was wonderful. I really liked relaxing in the hotel. It was absolutely amazing, like a dream. Thank you!”

Michael Yallop. English 22/06/09
“We enjoyed having local guides who know the people and places visited. We would recommend this beautiful hotel to anybody.”

Josh Mondry & Family. U.S. 06/16/09
“Everything you are doing is fist class. Keep up the great work!”

Triamimi Dinh U.S.A. 15/06/09
“This is probably my favorite latest experience in the world! Thank You”

Cinzia Mucciante. Australian (Travel Agent) 02/06/09
“Thank you for a truly wonderful experience. Will highly recommend to my further clients”

Vanessa Levaggi. Peruana. 02/06/09.
Felicitaciones por excelente servicio, decoracion, habitaciones, todo! Una experiencia inolvidable.

María del Pilar Handa Q. (travel agent) 24/05/09
“Mi experiencia en Titilaka fue muy buena, ahora estoy más preparada para poder ofrecer y vender. Julio Cesar, Personal de servicio, el chofer y todos son piezas muy importantes, hacen de la estadía un tiempo inolvidable.”
Gracias a todos!!

Asunción Castañeda – J. Villena. Peruana. 25/04/09
“Agradecemos la linda y cálida atención que recibimos en todo momento, es increíble como todo el personal está siempre atento a las necesidades de las personas que se encuentran en el hotel. Mil gracias y felicitaciones.”

Jennifer Cannock / Maria Elena Stuva. Peruana 25/04/09
“La arquitectura, la decoración, la comida… pero sobre tofo su gente, hacen al hotel un lugar único. Felicitaciones.”

Monica Paredes – Lydia Fernandez. Peruana. 25/05/09
“Solo agradecerles por la amabilidad de todas las personas del hotel, fueron muy dispuestos, la comida deliciosa, la atención de los mozos muy dedicados, los cuartos siempre limpios. Virginia siempre atenta. Felicitaciones por contribuir con la belleza natural del paisaje y con las personas de Puno. Una experiencia inolvidable! Gracias!!”

Wigley Family. British. 01/03/09.
“Thank you, we loved it! Hope we can return. Please keep up the link with Armando, Julius and their family on the floating islands as this is unique and makes the hotel distinct from others.”

Carrie Childs. U.S.A 24/03/09
“The experience being here was truly delightful! Many, many thanks”

Dalia Gibu. Peruana. 13/03/09
“Mantengan al personal que tienen ahora, son excelentes!! A1 He quedado impresionada y nos han tratado como reinas. Muchas gracias de corazón por esta maravillosa experiencia!”

Barb McComb. U.S. 17/06/09
“John and I were absolutely delighted with Titilaka right down to the wonderful pressure from the shower (unexpected in such a remote area). We would certainly recommend the hotel to anyone looking to travel to this wonderful region”

Charyn Pfeuffer. 06/02/09
“Thank you so much for hosting me at Titilaka this past Sunday and Monday. It is such a special property, only eclipsed by your fantastic staff. I hope to be able to return on a future visit to Peru and definitely look forward to seeing Urubamba Villas.”