

This space is created for the Titilaka community of guests, friends and all those interested in the area. Please add your photos, comments, memories and suggestions for potential guests.


  1. Queridos Sandra, Ignacio, Patrick, y toda la gente linda que conocimos en el Titilaka!! Les escribo para agradecerles por la entrañable aventura que vivimos esos días todos allí. Puno es un lugar muy especial. Mágico. El hotel ha sabido ir con el paisaje y no solo respetarlo; homenajearlo. Los ventanales son como cuadros a través de los cuales uno sueña mirando el hermoso lago. Un lago que es espejo del cielo, por tanto es un lago de nubes, un lago de luz de luna, un lago del sol iridiscente que alumbra en el altiplano, un lago tormentoso, un lago quieto, calmo, sereno. Todo eso puede pasar en un solo día con su noche. Las personas que conocimos en el hotel son todas tan cálidas que esa leyenda que dice que los puneños son gentes más bien frías es mentira: ellos danzan todo el tiempo, celebran a su Mamacha Candelaria, a su lago, a su Pachamama, son organizados, son trabajadores, y tienen la sonrisa a flor de piel. Recomiendo ir al Titilaka con ganas de aventura y por supuesto, recomiendo tomar el agua de Muña que los que nos atienden siempre ponen a nuestra disposición. Un viaje sin duda entrañable y mágico que querremos siempre repetir. Recomiendo, por último pero siempre primero, leer a Arguedas cuando escribe sobre la música andina, porque habla del alma del Titicaca.
    Saludos desde Lima,

  2. Klaus and Rose / CanadaMay 19, 2009 at 6:37 AM

    My husband and I spent 4 nights and 3 full days at Titilaka Hotel at the end of April 2009. We had a most wonderful time there and can highly recommend the hotel as a holiday destination. It is beautifully situated right on the shores of Titicaca lake. It's open design with an eclectic mix of modern and traditional furniture is warm and welcoming. All the staff were very friendly and helpful and tried their best to make our stay memorable. We both enjoyed having a massage in the spa, and, of course, the lake itself was spectacular. The islands and snowcapped mountains in the distance gave it an almost magical feel. We truly enjoyed our guide Julio who tried his best to show and explain to us the Uros floating islands. A visit to meet his family was the highlight of that excursion. The Island of Taquile was fascinating with amazing views out over Lake Titcaca. Observing the local people in their beautiful clothes, going about their daily lifes was eye opening for us. An excursion to Inca Anatawi and Sillustani was a step back in time to hear about some of the areas history. Sailing and canoeing on Lake Titicaca and hiking were on our list, but, unfortunately, we ran out of time.
    What an absolutely amazing place.
    Thank you to all the staff at Hotel Titilaka for making this a most memorable experience for us.
